The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have launched a register of water abstractions, to comply with EU regulations.
Who is required to register?
People with a private water supply who abstract more than 25 cubic meters (25,000 litres) per day. This is for ‘large’ users only – abstractions for small domestic supply (i.e a private supply to a single household) are unlikely to abstract this amount. Large users are typically farmers, quarry operators, hotels, golf clubs, food and drink manufacturers, industrial/commercial users who use a private supply as process water and/or drinking water, and some Group Water Schemes.
How to register?
Existing abstractions must register online via the EPA EDEN portal at
When to register?
Users that abstract more than 25 cubic meter (25,000 litres) per day must register their abstraction on the EPA EDEN Portal within four months of the commencement of the regulations, i.e. by 16th November 2018.
What to expect?
Users will not face a charge for registering their supply. The registration process is being carried out to ensure that water resources are being exploited sustainably and regulated in line with Water Framework Directive.
However, it is understood that a licencing regime will subsequently be implemented, resulting in users being required to obtain an Abstraction Licence. Users may face restrictions on how much water they can abstract if there is a potential risk to rivers, lakes and/or groundwater resources.
How we can help
Our Hydrogeologists can assist you with the registration process by ensuring your abstraction is sustainable and does not pose a risk to nearby water resources. Ensuring your abstraction is sustainable will safeguard your supply against future droughts, and ensure you are operating in accordance with the national and local authority’s’ regulations and guidelines.
Our Hydrogeologists have a wealth of experience in the abstraction planning, regulation and licencing process. The abstraction regulations and licencing procedures are well established in the UK, and we have assisted clients throughout Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK to undertake the necessary work to obtain groundwater abstraction licences, and ultimately ensure their abstractions are sustainable.
Contact Richard Thompson for advice.